الجمعة، 17 يونيو 2011

Red Gzar bath loft Egyptian

Red Gzar bath loft Egyptian

Today will offer you a new kind of bathroom types of Egyptian famous Hua

*** Red *** Ghazar

Let us recognize this type interesting together

First: standard specifications *** ***

*- (Head): -

Be a round the head to some extent and will be medium size.

*- (Eye): -

Mstdrh be eye and color-white to red a little bit.

*- (Beak): -

Returned a short beak and a thick (wide) on the one hand forward and to be white ..

*- (Eyelids): -

Eyelids are Menkerhh and have a slash to the color silver color ..

*- (Body): -

The body must be clean and strong and has a red body Gzar length and display the chest.

*- (Feet): -

Legs to be short length to an end what must be the feathers not fully ..

*- (Color): -

Dark Red (matte) in all parts of the body.

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