الجمعة، 17 يونيو 2011

Black pigeons Ghazar

Black pigeons Ghazar

Known pigeons Ghazar Balegaoi because it seduces bite and fly in groups ((swarms)) and is characterized by its beak and short form of the face which looks like an owl ((Maclthm)) and original than a short beak and legs are free of feathers and wide-eyed high eyelid and is above the Enfé growth of flesh is called in the language of amateur bathroom Ckshakic and his being able to seduce Dove strange curse that fly with him and continue flying until Atabh Faiht with the Gheta Fiktans owner Agheih what came with the dove of the bathroom is strange he knew when Guah where they do not respond to Aqtnsou only after paying a fine and called in their conviction of his incarceration and is estimated depending on the value individual paid by the owner to the bathroom Almqtans Guens of these provisions and customary provisions which they belong, including unethical or approved by the Sharia.

Specifications Ghazar Egyptian bath: -

Body: - This type is characterized by severe and championship flight for a long time.

Head: - and the face looks like a small owl ((Maclthm)).

Stance - standing on the back of the feet appears to people as if his knee.

Beak - a short and Maclthm.

Eyes: - eyes wide with thin eyelids.

Body: - a long tail and wings much longer than almost carats.

Breeding: - of birds that do not embrace the eggs well and do not feed their young and must therefore recommended incubation rdnrdnrd to produce strong and healthy.

Ghazar types: - Ghazar pool is divided into three types are (Ghazar - Balkh - Shawwam).

First Egyptian Ghazar: - There are many colors of Menna, including: -

Alozazi - Khalili - Black - Amber - Red - divided up - Alqtqati - Absi Egypt - Egypt's Al-Halabi - Rihani - Blue Velvet - yellow paper.

Second Balkh: - Password Balkh single Iblq and the advantage of tax oil and beak black nails and white out ablaq English and the advantage that the beak somewhat longer for other types of Ghazar and his cheeks colored as Asttalt on the neck is indicated by the purity while the body color and Ruldm (the first ten feathers in the wing ) and tail and white varieties from him the following:

Peel hazelnuts - violet - coal - flax flowers - red Word - Almsawid - Alastnbula - Alskeroth

Third Shawwam: -

Absi - Alkirknda - Al-Halabi Al-Shami

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